Tips and tricks for accounting grades

Table of contents

You can manage grades more efficiently and conveniently by using Office programs. This guide explains how to export grade lists as an Excel spreadsheet, edit them and import them back into LSF.

The Excel Import & Export function

You can not only edit grade lists managed under grade accounting online, you can also change them locally on your computer and upload them again using the "Excel Import & Export" function.

Export grade lists

You export the list of grades by clicking on "Excel export". Then choose a location on your hard drive and open the spreadsheet.

Edit exported table

You can edit the exported table with Microsoft Excel, for example. Please note that you cannot change the file name provided by LSF and the existing columns. U also cant add new rows if you later want to import the data into LSF.

However, you can add new columns, for example to calculate the overall grade from partial grades. Ratings should be entered as a three-digit number (e.g. 170 instead of 1.7). Our example shows how the overall grade is calculated from two equally weighted partial grades:

The two decimal places of the calculated partial grades are displayed in the "Nachkomma" column.

Die Spalte „nachkomma_rundung“ rundet den Wert der Nachkomma-Stellen auf die üblichen Nachkomma-Werte (zum Beispiel „,3“ und „,7“ bzw. „30“ und „70“).

The "nachkomma_rundung" column rounds the value of the decimal places to the usual decimal values ​​(e.g. ".3" and ".7" or "30" and "70").

The overall grade with rounded decimal places is shown in the “Bewertung” column.

If you now enter partial grades in the corresponding columns ("teilnote1" and "teilnote2"), Excel calculates the overall grade correctly and displays it in the "Bewertung" column.

Generating e-mail addresses from matriculation numbers

Another possible use of the exported table is to conveniently generate e-mail addresses from the students' matriculation numbers. To do this, create a new column "e-mail" and enter the appropriate command as shown in the example:

The table automatically displays the e-mail address of the respective student in the "e-mail" column, for example "" from the matriculation number "100001".