Submitting invoicing forms for lectures

Quick guide

Open the pre-filled form for lecture or exam accounting form at account.htw-berlin.deEdit your invoice by adding or deleting dates to reflect your actual lecture activities. Then submit the form to the selected organizational unit by pressing the "Submit teaching accounting form" button.

Step by step guide

Opening invoicing form for lectures

Open your personal prefilled invoicing form for lectures in the account portal. Make sure to enter the correct information about the semester and your organizational unit.

Changing lecture dates in the LSF

The invoicing form contains the same dates that had been planned in the LSF. If your actual lecture dates differed from these, please contact your departmental administration. They can update the LSF. Once they've done this you will be able to click "Update course data from the LSF" in section III. "Overview of the courses".

Changing lecture information in the invoicing form (without LSF)

1. Changing lecture dates in the invoicing form only

Please click on the pencil icon at the end of the date´s row in section IV. "List of the teaching units performed (LE)". Now you can edit all relevant information by clicking into the respective text field (date, teaching times, number of lessons, group, remarks). Once you have made the desired changes, confirm the changes by clicking on the disk icon at the end of the line.

2. Cancelling lecture dates in the invoicing form

Deleting lecture units may be necessary in two situations:

  1. The cancellation or postponement of a lecture has not been posted in LSF.
  2. You want to submit a partial invoice and therefore need to remove lecture units that you have already been paid for or that you want to invoice for at a later time.

You can delete a lecture unit by clicking on the button with the trash symbol at the end of the corresponding line. The lecture unit will appear crossed out and be excluded from the total of the charged teaching units.

3. Adding lecture dates to the invoicing form

In section IV. "List of teaching units performed (LE)," you will find a button with a plus symbol to add a lecture unit. Enter any lecture unit here that is not displayed through synchronization with LSF. The manually added lecture units are identifiable by their yellow marking. Changes to these lecture units can be made as with any other lecture units.

Adding an exam to a course

If you have opened the exam invoicing and your exam is not listed, you can add a new exam. Click the button with a plus symbol and the description “Add new examination” in section III “Accounting of examination services”.

Enter the information here, e.g. name, LSF number and participants and save it. The exam account you created manually is displayed with a yellow marker.

Review courses

Once you have added and/or corrected all lecture units, please review the list of delivered lecture units in section III. "Overview of the courses." If you have made manual changes to your courses, you can view them in section V. "Processing overview."

Sending the invoicing

In order to submiting the form, please use the section "Send teaching accounting" or Exam accounting. To do this, you must first confirm your details and whether you receive a regular salary from the HTW Berlin. The answer to this question is pre-filled based on your assignment and changing the option is normally not necessary.