Frequently asked questions

What is my e-mail address?

Your e-mail address consists of your HTW account and the extension - Example address for students - Example address for university members

Can I set up an email alias?

You cannot currently adjust the e-mail alias yourself. Usually the alias is created automatically. You can check whether you have an alias in the account portal. - Example address for students - Example address for university members

How can I check my e-mail?

You can easily check your e-mails via the HTW webmailer (e.g. Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer) or via an e-mail program.

You can reach the webmailer under the address:

I have forgotten my password - what should I do?

Please use this web form.

Can I forward e-mails?

Yes, you will find more information in this article.

Can I set up a vacation / absence notification?

Yes, you can set up an automatic notification under the menu item "Customize e-mail address". Please note that you must log on to the website for configuration. Use your HTW account for this.

How large may the attachment of an e-mail be?

The maximum file size for e-mail attachments is 25 MB.