General information about the HTW-Cloud

The HTW-Cloud enables all members of the HTW Berlin to synchronize files and folders on several devices (PCs, Smartphones, Tablets). Team functions such as shared creation of office documents, group calendars, and group tasks are also part of the cloud functions. Furthermore, contacts, calendars, and tasks can be maintained. There is no synchronization with other IT systems at the HTW Berlin (e.g. the groupware solution, network drives, etc.)

Files and folders available in the HTW cloud can also be shared with people who are not members of the HTW Berlin. How to share files is explained on this website.

In the HTW cloud, "Collabora Online" is available to you (LibreOffice Online). With the "+" symbol you can create new text documents, tables or presentations in the HTW cloud or edit existing documents directly in the web browser. You can share these documents with other HTW cloud users to work together on the files.

Please note:

  • The HTW-Cloud does not replace a regular backup of your files. Its purpose is to synchronize and collaborate on files. Always keep a local copy
  • The HTW-Cloud is not a replacement for the faculties’ storage drives. Faculty members and lecturers continue to use the drives of their respective faculties and academic courses to store work data. Please use the HTW-Cloud for temporary file exchange only (e.g. with students in teaching or external people on projects.)
  • Departments that have a group work directory (known as drive I:\) from the university data center, please continue to use the already known storage space. Please use the HTW cloud only for short-term, interdepartmental file exchange
  • The HTW-cloud does not release the owner of the document from the data protection responsibility for the content
  • Please note the terms of use
  • The use of the provided storage space is only permitted for the fulfillment of tasks that arise from the study or business matters
  • The available capacity should cover all the tasks mentioned. Please remember that all users share the capacity and remove any data no longer required from the cloud (fair use)
  • The provisions of the user regulation "Information Processing Infrastructure (IVI)" apply - in particular the distribution of copyrighted material or the streaming of content is expressly prohibited
  • From June 1, 2024: If a document is changed in the HTW cloud and then saved, the previous version of the file is saved as a so-called "version". The old versions of a file can be viewed by clicking on the "three horizontal dots" -> Details -> "Versions" tab (if the "Versions" tab is missing, there are no previous versions of the file). From June 1, 2024, these old versions will only be kept for 14 days and then automatically removed. The current version of the file will still be retained. If you need multiple versions of a document, you can save it under a different file name.