Search your emails for keywords
Use the search function in the webmailer to quickly find an e-mail. Proceed as follows:
Step 1: Login to the webmailer - start the search function
Please open the webmailer in your web browser and log in with your HTW account data. After the login you will see your inbox.
In the upper right area of the webmailer you have several configuration options. Click into the search field.
Step 2: Where and what to search?
Please select the category to be filtered by from the drop-down list within the search field (indicated by a downward pointing triangle next to the "magnifying glass" symbol).
In addition, select the scope where to be searched from the drop-down list (Current folder, Subfolders, All folders). Then enter the search term in the search field.
Start the search process with the "Search" button or by pressing the "Enter key".
Step 3: Search result
The result is displayed in the upper area. Click on the subject of the e-mail to open it.