TutorialsWLAN /Wi-FiWindowsInitial setup WindowsRenew certificate WindowsAndroidInitial setup Androidrenew certificate AndroidiOSIntial setup iOSRenew certificate iOSmacOSmacOS 12 (und older)macOS 13 (and newer)LinuxFree WiFi BerlinHTW-AccountE-MailRetrieving your e-mails via the web browserManage folders in webmailerSearch your emails for keywordsYour address book in the webmailerUsing an e-mail programMozilla ThunderbirdMicrosoft OutlookWindows MailMac OS X MailMail for iOS 11 and newerAndroid (5.1 or higher)Customize e-mail addressAbsence noteForwardingInformation about spamDetermine original senderFrequently asked questionsVPNConfigure VPN Connection on Windows (OpenVPN)Configure VPN Connection on iOS (OpenVPN)Configure VPN Connection on Android (OpenVPN)Configure VPN Connection on macOS (OpenVPN)Configure VPN Connection on Linux (OpenVPN)CloudAccess to the HTW CloudAccess via web browserAccess via appAccess via software clientZugriff per Netzlaufwerk (Webdav) einbindenShareInternal shareExternal shareShare via a linkHorizonStorage spaceHTW-SpaceAccess on Windows 10macOSAccess on UbuntuCampus Management LSFGeneral operating instructionsSearch functionsLecture schedulesCourse catalogueEventsFrequently asked questionsLSF for studentsOnline booking of courses with LSFYour personal timetableExamsMore functionsFrequently asked questionsLSF for teachersNotes on occupancyGrade ManagementInformation and requirementsSend email to studentsConnect LSF calendar with external calendarsFrequently asked questionsEditing of module descriptionsCopying and printing at the HTW BerlinStudierende und ExterneKopieren am GerätDrucken über myPrint und öffentliche PCsDrucken/Scannen über USB-SpeicherScannen an E-MailMitarbeitende und LehrbeauftragteKarte verknüpfenKopieren am GerätDrucken über ClientDrucken/Scannen über USB-SpeicherScannen an E-MailPreislistePublic copiersCentral Learning Platform MoodleAccess to MoodleGeneral InformationMoodle Video TutorialsExternal servicesZenkit TutorialsWLAN /Wi-FiWindowsInitial setup WindowsRenew certificate WindowsAndroidInitial setup Androidrenew certificate AndroidiOSIntial setup iOSRenew certificate iOSmacOSmacOS 12 (und older)macOS 13 (and newer)LinuxFree WiFi BerlinHTW-AccountE-MailRetrieving your e-mails via the web browserManage folders in webmailerSearch your emails for keywordsYour address book in the webmailerUsing an e-mail programMozilla ThunderbirdMicrosoft OutlookWindows MailMac OS X MailMail for iOS 11 and newerAndroid (5.1 or higher)Customize e-mail addressAbsence noteForwardingInformation about spamDetermine original senderFrequently asked questionsVPNConfigure VPN Connection on Windows (OpenVPN)Configure VPN Connection on iOS (OpenVPN)Configure VPN Connection on Android (OpenVPN)Configure VPN Connection on macOS (OpenVPN)Configure VPN Connection on Linux (OpenVPN)CloudAccess to the HTW CloudAccess via web browserAccess via appAccess via software clientZugriff per Netzlaufwerk (Webdav) einbindenShareInternal shareExternal shareShare via a linkHorizonStorage spaceHTW-SpaceAccess on Windows 10macOSAccess on UbuntuCampus Management LSFGeneral operating instructionsSearch functionsLecture schedulesCourse catalogueEventsFrequently asked questionsLSF for studentsOnline booking of courses with LSFYour personal timetableExamsMore functionsFrequently asked questionsLSF for teachersNotes on occupancyGrade ManagementInformation and requirementsSend email to studentsConnect LSF calendar with external calendarsFrequently asked questionsEditing of module descriptionsCopying and printing at the HTW BerlinStudierende und ExterneKopieren am GerätDrucken über myPrint und öffentliche PCsDrucken/Scannen über USB-SpeicherScannen an E-MailMitarbeitende und LehrbeauftragteKarte verknüpfenKopieren am GerätDrucken über ClientDrucken/Scannen über USB-SpeicherScannen an E-MailPreislistePublic copiersCentral Learning Platform MoodleAccess to MoodleGeneral InformationMoodle Video TutorialsExternal servicesZenkit HTW Berlin Information Technology Centre Tutorials External services Zenkit Übersicht über die mit ZenForms erstellten Formulare Übersicht über die mit ZenForms erstellten Formulare Übersicht über die auf den Webseiten der HTW Berlin veröffentlichten ZenForms-Formulare: HTW-INTEGRA Deutschangebote / HTW Integra German Course Offers
Übersicht über die mit ZenForms erstellten Formulare Übersicht über die auf den Webseiten der HTW Berlin veröffentlichten ZenForms-Formulare: HTW-INTEGRA Deutschangebote / HTW Integra German Course Offers