Free WiFi Berlin
The urban WLAN network "Free WiFi Berlin", which was set up by the Berlin Senate Chancellery, is available at central locations within the HTW. Please note the safety information when using it. It is recommended that you only use the offer if you do not have eduroam access.
Locations within the HTW
"Free WiFi Berlin" is available an central locations within the HTW.
Location Treskowallee:
- House A: big auditroium, cafeteria, reading room 1 and 2, atrium (between building A and B)
- House C: 5th floor
- House D: big and small canteen, Audimax
Location Wilhelminenhof:
- House B: head buliding, hall 1 to 4
- House G: G001, G002, G007, G008, canteen, libary
- House H: H001
- TGS: house 1a Berliner Ideenlabor, house 9 pools 005 and 006
Security notice on open WiFi
"Free WiFi Berlin" is an unencrypted, open WLAN. We recommend that you do not transmit any sensitive data without it being protected by using a secure VPN. This note applies to all open WLANs!
If your device keeps connecting to "Free WiFi Berlin" instead of "eduroam", please delete the "Free WiFi Berlin" profile.
According to the provider, the speed of the "Free WLAN Berlin" is limited to 10 Mbit/s, but there is no volume limit. Technical support is not guaranteed by the HTW. The support is managed by the company commissioned by the Senate (